
Serial Entrepreneur | Author | UN Youth Delegate | Tech Startup Founder πŸš€ About Me: Passionate about leveraging technology for positive change and fostering global connections. I thrive on challenges and believe in the power of innovation to drive social impact. 🌍 Global Visionary: Former United Nations Youth Delegate dedicated to advocating for youth empowerment and international cooperation. Committed to making a difference on a global scale. Worked at UNDESA. πŸ’Ό Serial Entrepreneur: Founded and led multiple ventures spanning diverse sectors. From launching a non-profit organization focused on community development to pioneering tech startups, I've always embraced the entrepreneurial spirit. πŸ“–Author: Title: Interstellar ID: The Future of Digital Identity Across Worlds and Space in 2121 Description: "Interstellar ID: The Future of Digital Identity Across Worlds and Space in 2121" coming soon. πŸ” Tech Startup Founder: Currently leading 1sys.app - Laundry Ready, a cutting-edge tech startup revolutionizing SAAS. Committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible through technology and creating solutions that empower individuals and businesses alike. πŸ”‘ Key Achievements: - Served as a voice for youth at the United Nations, advocating for Peace Education. - Founded 1sys.app The app is on the app store and google play. https://1sys.app/ "Startup success is fastest way to self actualization" - Ash Uprety


February 2025